Rahma Driving School
How to Save on Fuel: Tips for Learner Drivers
How to Save on Fuel: Tips for Learner Drivers
We discuss the following Tips for Learner Drivers:
- Fuel Price fluctuations
- Car Tune Up
- Tyre Pressure and Condition
- Racing Car and Traffic Lights
- proper Braking
- Learning To Drive
- Driving Lessons
- Driving Safety
No matter what the fuel prices are, every dollar saved is a dollar that stays in your pocket. We driving instructors because of the nature of our job need to know the cost of 1 litre of petrol. This enable us to save on fuel costs over the long run whilst giving driving lessons to our learner drivers.
It is of high importance, regardless of if you’re a new driver or an experienced one, you really should follow the fuel price rises and falls. If you’re driving in Melbourne, Australia then you probably would know that the price of petrol will spike up in one go and in a period of few weeks it would gradually come down by 20 or more cents. When it reaches its lowest point you then fill up your petrol tank.
That’s the first step and that saving alone will add more dollars over the long period. However, there are many things that will enable you to save fuel besides getting cheap petrol.
keeping your car tuned on a regular basis is also another fuel saver. What a tune up does is makes your car more fuel efficient. This tends to give you more traveling distance for each litre of petrol that the car consumes. Over the long distance one travels throughout a week or long journeys, the savings do stack up. Learner drivers and new drivers should make a habit of keeping their cars efficient.
We see it all the time of drivers who are unaware of how much fuel their cars consume when they race their cars from one traffic lights to another. Yes, it is frustrating to catch all the traffic lights but sometimes you’ve got to let it go and cool down. If you’ve learned to drive a car from our driving school you would have already had a discussion about racing your car from one traffic lights to another with us.
Accelerating quickly is another means to throw your money away. The car uses more fuel during acceleration. If you accelerate and then stop at the next lights and repeat this throughout the journey then I’m afraid the journey will have cost you a few more dollars than it should have.
The same goes for braking whilst racing your car. In our opinion this kind of driving is really careless driving and makes any passenger wanting to get out of your car. Try to achieve a smooth drive thereby eliminating sudden accelerations and sudden stops. Anticipate and observe the flow of traffic to your advantage. Furthermore, racing a car is dangerous in itself. At our driving school we teach this basic skill to our learner drivers and tell them that it is good to avoid this type of driving habit. It will also increase your stress levels which is another good reason to avoid this type of driving.
One important factor many drivers avoid is checking their cars tyres at least once per week. Warn out tyres are dangerous in the wet and deflated ones too are no good. Both adds to the loss of the efficiency of the car thereby costing you more money and lowering your safety. It’s really a small adjustment that makes money savings a reality but also adds safety to driving any vehicle.
Learning to drive is one of the most exciting times in a person’s life. It is always a memory one can draw on and visit. You will talk about your experiences and depart them to friends and family in a time not so far away.
The most important thing any driver should know is driving according to road safety levels. This is perhaps one of the most important things we depart to our learner drivers when giving driving lessons in Melbourne. Drive safely and increase your hazard perception skills to have a good life.
The Importance of Safety in Driving Lessons
On my daily drives I see so many people rushing all over the place. Most of these people do not realise how much time, money and effort they are really wasting. They have certainly not learned to drive in safety
The road rules are getting ever stricter and controlled by the systems in authority. Even though the fines and demerit points one loses during a fine can be hefty nonetheless I must argue that they are there for the safety of the whole. It is not great driving in traffic but it is not safe either and idealistic to rush through it. It really does not get you any further ahead in life unless you’re running for the pole position in Formula 1 racing and on a formula 1 racing track.
So, all you young drivers first learn to be patient. Build your patience; ignore those who are whizzing by you. Don’t get hooked onto their lines. Let them rush and believe me when they have gone by you will have a most pleasant journey to wherever you’re heading. In our driving school we emphasize this and other smart road skills to all our student drivers.
Make the most out of your investment from your driving instructors. They have a world of experience to share and some of them are gold nuggets that are worth every penny you’ve paid to learn from them. These skills will be with you in all your future drives.
Not every young driver has an accident in their first 4 years in their P’s. There are statistics yelling out that P platers have a higher accident rate. These are just statistics telling you so. These statistics do tell the story correctly but it doesn’t mean that all P platers have a bad start to driving.
If you’ve had 120 hours of supervised driving lessons and have done the required amount of night driving as well as driving in different road conditions then you’re off to a good start. Teaching safety in driving should be on everyone’s mind when getting their drivers licence.
There are many young drivers who are safe and better drivers than those who’ve had a licence longer. Not all drivers have the same or equal driving skills to start with. Driving skills are an ongoing learning experience that one builds over time. The more driving you do and the more you’re in safety conscious mind-frame the better you will be and become among the top drivers in Australia.
Safe drivers are those who drive responsibly. They do not rush, they stick to road speed limits and they are safety conscious on the roads. They are ones who are courteous and enjoy driving without feeling the stress of driving. If you have to rush somewhere, just leave 10 minutes earlier. That way, if you get held up along the way then the time allowance will work on your benefit. Hey, when you reach your destination you’ll be mentally alert and in a good mood. Don’t let a bad driving journey ruin your day. It is not great to receive a $180+ ticket in the mail for doing 8 Km’s over the speed limit.
When you do get your licence for the first time in Australia there are some restrictions that are important to take notice of. Adhere to the limits on the number of peer passengers you can carry in the car at any one time.
We are a professional and expert driving school teaching young and inexperienced drivers to drive a car in safety. Learn to drive in safety with a professional driving school who cares for you. Call us on 040 47 48 43 7 or visit our Bundoora Driving School Melbourne